We wonder why we have lost our spark, why we are oh so tired, why we end up online all night or in front of the tv. Could it be because we let go of so many things that give us energy, happiness and satisfaction in the process of becoming adults? When we rediscover the lost pursuits of happiness, life starts to sparkle again. It's life changing.
How to do what you want (but don't get around to)
Do you make big plans, get all excited and then drop them just as fast? Gah! Why doesn't it work out? It could be that you're going about it all the wrong way. It's time to learn how to go big by going small, real small. Meet the real way to do the things you've been wanting/meaning to for all these years... it's so easy you wont believe it.
How understanding fear can help you save the world (I'm serious).
Working effectively with fear can transform your relationships, career and happiness, but it's also essential for big picture work. I'm talking really big picture, like healing race relations and addressing climate change. If you want to make positive change in society, you need to know about how to work with fear. So let's get cracking, there's a world to save!
Sliding doors: The small choices that make or break us
(Dis)comfort zones: The crappy things we choose every day.
What is with finding comfort in things that make us feel bad? Today is all about (dis)comfort zones. We all have unhelpful habits that we repeat over and over. It's uncomfortable and frustrating, but in some weird way, it feels good, or at least the familiarity of it feels good. It's a (dis)comfort zone. The crappy (but useful) behaviours and things we choose because, well, we are used to them and they do the job of making us forget about our problems for a time. So how do you see your (dis)comfort zones and get the hell outta there?
What the hell is a life coach? (Hint: It's not what you think)
Life coaching is still a bit of an unknown. As one of my clients said, prior to our first session she thought ,'What the hell is a life coach, anyway?'. I can't say I could have answered this myself before I entered the world of coaching. To answer this and other burning questions about coaching, here's the inside info, including what a life coach is and what a life coach definitely is not, what to watch out for and how to choose the right coach for you.
How to be ambitious without being an as*hole
It's true, some people are ambitious in such a way that they leave a wake of destruction. They kiss up and kick down. They want that next shiny thing so badly they will do almost anything to get it. It really gives ambition a bad name! In fact, it's not ambition that is the problem, but the motivation and internal state of the person. So how can you enjoy your ambition, reach for the stars and not be an as*hole?