ADHD CAREER coaching with Dr Lara
The career you’ve been building for years isn’t satisfying anymore.
I work with smart, ambitious women like you who want to excel in work they are passionate and excited about. The problem is that right now, you are bored or overwhelmed at work. You dread each day so much that you have to give yourself pep-talks to get through it.
You’re just not happy at work.
You have so much to offer, you should be dancing to work in the morning, not feeling drained, annoyed and stressed out. Instead, you are exhausted and end up scrolling on your phone while on Netflix each night to escape your day and wind down.
My unique career coaching will get you happy at work, on your right path, and clear about your next career steps, so that you can enjoy a fulfilling career and make the impact you crave.
Do you:
Feel unsatisfied with your work?
Find yourself daydreaming about how great it would be to do a job you loved AND what you’re good at?
Feel a restlessness about work… and it is getting worse as time goes on?
Find yourself getting more bored, more annoyed and more overwhelmed and it’s creeping into the rest of life too.
You just don’t feel as happy as you used to.
Wonder how on earth you’ll get through the next year at work?
Many women have a martyr-like relationship with work.
They push on each day feeling unhappy and unfulfilled and will sacrifice their wellbeing, energy, time and peace of mind for the benefit of their employer or business. Some have even told me that if they force themselves to feel grateful enough, they can keep going when they are miserable.
Can you imagine going from feeling sick at the thought of another day at work…
to thinking of work with delight, excited at what the future holds?
You could...
Feel content with the knowledge that you’re doing what you’re here for, relaxed and confident in your choices and in your own abilities.
Create a work-life that is on track: doing work that excites you.
Know that you have what it takes to tackle any challenge.
Use your talents and passion to make an impact in the world.
Get back an enormous amount of energy and mental space when you stop worrying about how to solve your ‘work problems’
Start having fun at work again!
These are the results experienced by clients that felt the same way as you do about work.
They were paralysed by their work ‘situation’ despite so much thought, a shelf of self-help books and a big dose of determination.
That’s where career coaching can change your work-life (your life!) by taking you from forcing yourself to go to work each day to enjoying it and being excited about your future.
Loving your work-life looks like this.
Smooth, optimistic mornings before work.
Having important, hilarious or engaging conversations with your partner or friends instead of complaining about work.
Strutting into your meeting like you were born to be there.
High fiving yourself about all the goals you’re kicking at work.
Being proud of all the ways you’re growing and how you’re going at work and in your career.
That’s the exact reason I created the Conscious Ambition Framework to take you from despairing to enjoying your work and maximising your success so that you can get on with your life!
Your ‘Sweet Spot Profile’ will help you to uncover your ideal situation in life – your sweet spot. It will give you a clear picture of the situations that you do best in and the ones that you struggle with the most.
The profile, combined with focused private work-life coaching allows you to:
Find answers to your life that you didn’t know you held and to uncover patterns and sabotaging thoughts you didn’t even know you had – insights that change everything.
Most importantly, you get the personalised support and accountability you need to bring all those 'aha' moments into your life, to see it and FEEL it change before your eyes.
Get clear about the work situations that help you thrive or leave you drained so that you know what to go for (and what to move away from) to create your best work life.
Learn how to make decisions that are true to you and connected to your most satisfying working life to get rid of 90% of indecision.
How we get your to your sweet spot
Sweet Spot Profile
12 x 60 minute private coaching sessions over three months
As a result of this coaching program, you will…
Get clear about the work situations that help you thrive or leave you drained so that you feel energized
Know what to go for (and what to move away from) so that you can create your best life
Learn to make decisions that are true to you and connected to your most satisfying working life so that you get rid most feelings of indecision
Identify what is holding you back in your work-life and how to deal with it so you can get on with loving your work
Understand the beliefs and thoughts that are sabotaging you so you can intentionally boost your energy, joy and satisfaction
Get clarity on your ideal working life so that you feel the sweet relief of knowing you’re on track.
Get the support and accountability to bring that ideal working life into reality.
Finally feel excited about the possibilities and transformations in your working life so that you can enjoy your whole life again.
Create a work-life that is much more fulfilling, interesting and energising - something that suits you and makes you feel content.
Book a consult here to talk about if private coaching will suit you: