The Neurodivergent Woman podcast - https://www.ndwomanpod.com/
Late to the Party https://latetotheparty.buzzsprout.com/
Anomalous - Em Rusciano https://emrusciano.com/anomalous/
The ADHD Woman’s Wellbeing podcast: https://www.adhdwomenswellbeing.co.uk/adhd-podcast
Parenting focus included:
ADHD Mums: https://adhdmums.com.au/
The Neurodiversity podcast: https://neurodiversitypodcast.com/
Sensory items
Look after your body and mind with fidgets and sensory items that feel good to you at work (and at home).
Ne Do is a personal favourite of mine that doesn’t break!
Kaikos is a Melbourne brand with a lot of options for sensory and fidget items. The wesbite can be a bit overwhelming, so go slowly through the site.
Don’t forget that a small blanket or pillow can look lovely at your desk and provide nice sensory soothing too.
** Remember you will likely need to move your whole body with a walk, dance or have some outside time to regulate instead of fidgets too.
Desks and chairs
A lot of my clients love standing desks so that they can move positions regularly.
Wobble chairs are great - this one is height adjustable for adults (no affiliation!) https://officefurnituresales.com.au/products/jari-motion-sensory-aid-active-stool