Blog — Dr Lara Corr - Career Coaching

Increasing your confidence at work - starting today.

Increasing your confidence at work - starting today.

Confidence is trust in yourself.

Do you struggle with a lack of self-confidence at work?

I think we have a strange idea of what confidence is.

Yes, it is about a positive view of ourselves and our capacity but to me, it's more than that.

Confidence is about trusting ourselves to be able to be resourceful and to survive or even thrive under difficult circumstances.

Building confidence can start very simply and powerfully by looking back at all the times you were resourceful and persisted.

Do you need a time-management reset at work?

Do you need a time-management reset at work?

Now that I'm feeling settled into the year a bit more, I've realised that I'm not using my time nearly as well as I could be.

I'm not saying this from a perfectionistic approach, I'm saying this from a.... whoops, I stopped paying attention and my day disappeared realisation!

You know how it is, you get a little less conscious of organisation or of following through with your plans.

Before you know it, you're losing chunks of time that you could be doing great things with!

If this is you, join me today to begin to reset.

What are your 'Greatest Hits' that bring you down?

What are your 'Greatest Hits' that bring you down?

Do you find yourself going round and round with the same thoughts that make you mad, sad or anxious?

Here is a fun tool that I learned from Dr Martha Beck - Your Greatest Hits.

Listen in on your mind as it goes down its usual path that takes you from, say, 'I wish that had gone better' all the way to 'I'll never be good enough'.

You might notice that you go through the same 'Greatest Hits' thoughts each time.